About Us
Living, Loving, Learning
What can be more important than reaching deep into the heart and soul of the children we wish to nurture and educate? The privilege to be with children is like receiving a precious gift. When we receive a beautifully wrapped package, who remains long with the packaging. Who takes time to rewrap it and rearrange the bow without opening it? We, the recipients of the gift, want to see the treasure, the source of lasting value that is inside.
The mission, the passion that drives our work is to bypass
the obsession and fear that currently holds society's
attention captive. Grades and scores and academics
removed from life are like glitzy wrapping that hides
the real child from view. The child is not born to prove
his worth through academic treadmills and tests.
Not only is the child a gift to us, he or she is endowed with inalienable
rights. These rights include playfulness and imagination, curiosity, the desire to explore, express, design, create and self-challenge as the substance of his or her daily pursuits.
Nor is the child endowed with these gifts to grow up illiterate, ignorant or unsuccessful. Quite the contrary. The Designer has equipped childhood with an inborn drive to connect with the world and leave his mark on it. Given the loving, supportive, insightful support of his elders, the child's natural traits, his most joyful ways of self-expressing are the exact and primary source of his brilliance. Academics is kid's play when we engage the indwelling genius.
There is much work to be done to help humanity
awaken from the ephemeral hold of shiny papers,
and bows that are undone with a simple pull.
The following pages invite you to look deep inside
Childhood with us. The Compassionate Genius
awaits our invitation.